The following list of Reunion Groups currently meet at various places throughout Western Pennsylvania. Please note that the times and places may vary. If you are interested in finding a group and would like contact information or would like to begin another share group, please e-mail our Reunion Group Coordinator.

Location Group Name Meeting Place Group Leader
Brookville Brookville Women's RG 3rd Sunday of the month, 4 pm at Mount Pleasant UMC located at Mount Pleasant/Ohl Road, Summerville PA Nancy Diener, Kathy Dinger
Clarion Clarion Third Saturday 3rd Saturday of the month, 10 am at Perkins Rest, Clarion PA Carol Brown
Elderton Girlfriends on a Journey Meets at various times and places Tracy Goldstrohm 
North Hills/Cranberry Wexford Chicks Meets once a month Colleen Clark
Panera- Galleria Mt Lebanon God’s Galleria Girls Meets 1 and 3 Monday of the month Lisa Wahl