Sponsorship Registration

Pilgrim to be sponsored:        

Sponsoring a candidate on the Walk to Emmaus is a great responsibility.

• Pray continually, (1 Thessalonians 5:17) for guidance in offering the Walk to Emmaus to your candidate.
• To be sure that your candidate is at an appropriate place in his/her Christian walk in order to grow from this experience
• To the other candidates on the Walk so they are not hindered in their experience by sponsoring someone not prepared for the experience.
• To the Emmaus community to building the community and its churches by sponsoring Christians who are dedicated to leading others in their Christian walk.

Have you attended a sponsorship-training event or read through the Sponsorship page?? **

Date              Location Name    

**If the answer is NO, you must have a co-sponsor who has attended a Sponsorship Training Event.

As a Sponsor, please indicate that you agree to: (please check each item to indicate your acceptance of the responsibility)

Pray for your candidate
Explain what to expect from the Walk to Emmaus
Obtain personal agape letters for your candidate (8-12, including a letter from their pastor and you as the sponsor)
Attend to the needs of your candidate’s family while he/she attends the Walk
Bring the candidate (ON TIME) to send off (along with personal agape letters)
Participate in sponsor’s hour at send off
Sign up for the 72 hour prayer vigil
Participate in candlelight
Participate in closing and return your new community member home
Invite and accompany your new community member to mini-gathering
Invite and accompany your new community member to a Sponsorship Training
Bring your new community member to any Emmaus events nearby for at least six months
Assist your new community member in becoming active in an Emmaus reunion group or other small group
Continue praying for your new community member and encourage their continued walk as a disciple of Jesus Christ

If you have any questions regarding these responsibilities, please contact a member of the TRWE Board.

Sponsor Information

First Name              Last Name    


City                      State Zip Code

Primary Phone Number      Email       

Your Church          Address     

Pastor name           Pastor cell      

Pastor Email    

Community Involvement 

Name/Number of Your 3-Day Walk/Event:        

Involved in a reunion or small group:     

Do You Attend Gatherings:     

Information About The Candidate

How long have you known the applicant? :        

Why do you think this application would be a good candidate for the Walk to Emmaus?

Does your candidate have any physical limitations, special dietary needs, or other health concerns that may limit their ability to participate in the walk?

If the candidate is married, is their spouse attending a walk or attended a walk:     

Have you invited the spouse/significant other to the Walk to Emmaus:     

Co-sponsor Information (if applicable)

First Name              Last Name    


City                      State Zip Code

Primary Phone Number      Email       

Your Church          Address     

Pastor name           Pastor cell      

Pastor Email    

As the Co-sponsor: Will you abide by the responsibilities outlined above?     

Esignatures (Please type full name and date)

Sponsor                  date    

Co-Sponsor            date    

You are responsible for getting the signature/approval of the Candidate’s Pastor

Pastor name           Pastor cell      


Pastor Email    

If you have any questions please contact: Colleen Clark, Registrar 8831 Breezewood Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15237 or e-mail to registrar@TRWE.org 

Questions : Phone Coleen at 412-298-6920

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