How do I serve on a team?   The first step in serving is to make
sure you are in a Reunion Group
and fill out the Desire to Serve form to
let the community lay directors know you are interested in serving.
are teams chosen?   A team selection comittee meets and prayerfully considers
those that are avaialble to serve based on the progressive servant
model provided by the Upper Room Walk to Emmaus. This committee
is run by the TRWE Board, the walk lay and spiritual directors,
and volunteers. |
What is the progressive servanthood model?
intent of “progressive servanthood" development provides
those who serve on teams the opportunity to be the hands and feet
and to learn more and more about the Emmaus program as a participant
whose job it is to support the pilgrims and to lend assistance to
the weekend leadership. Teams are developed by using the 1/3, 1/3,
1/3 model recommended by the Upper Room. This model suggests that
1/3 of the team be made up of new members (those who have just taken
their walk and who have not, previously, served on a team). Another
1/3 of the team should be those who have worked on several walks
(2 – 4) in various roles. The last 1/3 is made of experienced
team members who have served as team leaders and are being groomed
for weekend leadership.
As with many
organizations developing new and mature leaders is often a challenge.
TRWE has committed to the Upper Room requirement of placing high
priority on education and training of community members.
What commitment is required for teaming?   The most important aspect is to be prepared to come with a
servant heart! The teaming process is a four day (every Saturday
for four weeks) training program designed to prepare members for
the actual walk. Talks are previewed, specific job requirements
reviewed, walk aspects discussed, and of course, worship, fellowship,
joy and food! Each team member is provided a teaming manual that
reviews the weekend and their specific role on the walk. |
When and where are these teaming sessions held?   Presently, the teaming sessions are held at Ingomar UMC in
Ingomar, PA from 9:00 AM to approximately 3:30 PM over a four week
period preceding the walks. The site may change due to the lay directors
and team make-up. |
What does it cost to serve on a Walk?   Our cost for team members is about $200 per person, but it
depends to some extent on where a particular Walk is held. However,
we do not want cost to be a deterrence to your service. Confidential
scholarships may be available, so discuss with the community spiritual
director. |
Do I choose my position?   Each Lay Director prayerfully considers his or her team and
asks individuals to serve in certain roles. The progressive servanthood
model stipulates that new servants start on the support team, followed
by inside team as asisstant table leaders, table leaders, assistant
lay directors, then lay director in training, finally to lay director.
Speciality roles such as music or tech are part of the inside team. |
What other activities are involved?   Team members are recognized and commissioned at the Community
Gathering that falls closest to the walks and are asked to attend
this worship service. The post walk mini-reunion for the pilgrims
is also an event that is highly suggested to attend for team members
as well. |